How to Easily Use Our 2-Way SMS Communication Tools

How to Easily Use Our 2-Way SMS Communication Tools

“How can we easily get volunteers to bring items for the party?” Ms. Shelton, the new kindergarten teacher asked at the staff meeting. “You can use our alert system – just make sure you send it to your grade and not to the whole school!” Her principal responded,...
Back-to-School Clean Data Checklist

Back-to-School Clean Data Checklist

This year we want to work closely with you to ensure you are getting the best use of your SchoolCast system. Below is a quick list with resources to help you get the year started with a solid communication strategy complete with clean data. Unwanted and failed...

ChurchCast Advent Communication Strategy

What are you doing to introduce Advent to your community and encourage spiritual growth? Learn some great ideas on how you can encourage spiritual growth this Advent Season!  Click here to learn more: Ministry Matters